Sunday, July 29, 2007


I must have had 3 or 4 false starts on this. I was trying to do a Man-bat hybrid creature (as made popular in such varied media as X-Files, the Weekly World News, and comic books.) Turns out, trying to blend human hands with bat wings is really hard. Anyway, here it is-

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Here's what the lines for that last piece look like cleaned up.

I've sometimes wondered if it might be better to ink and color without cleaning up the lines firest, but there is just something I like about having the lines all ready for processing.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Rough pencils

I started something over the weekend and thought I'd go ahead and post the rough pencils

This is what a drawing looks like after I've worked out some of the basic shape, but before I've gone in to clean up the lines and refine the details. Just the raw form. Hope you liked the look into my process.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The hiatus

I'm sorry for the extended hiatus. Lots of personal life stuff, as well as a total redesign for my website. I'll be back to regular posting now.

First up, an image from my college portfolio that I always liked. Done for a Mask themed calendar, this was the month of August. I drew inspiration from the month's Roman origins.