Friday, May 25, 2007

Daoine Sidhe

My brother asked for a tough looking faery woman for a project he is going to do, so I worked this up while on vacation. I wanted her to look tough, but not like a tramp, so I actually tried out a few different looks before settling on this one.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I'll be on vacation until the 24th, so check back then for new posts!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Recriminations and Cuteness

I missed 2 days last week. Between being sick (still!) and other issues I just couldn't make time to get the posts up. That said, the 5 posts a week schedule is really getting on top of me, so I think I'm going to be cutting it back to 3 posts per week for awhile. That will give me a chance to get more polished sketches up on the times when I do post, and you'll get to see less old stuff, so everyone is a winner.

Now, I did miss the last two days of animal week, so here's the make up. Two color pieces of animal cuteness for your edification.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

In the barnyard it lurks

I'm barely awake as I write this. The new free expansion to CoH is really kicking my free time in the jim-jims.

But, on to more interesting things like sketches. Today, the common rooster. Another animal drawing done for practice.

Birds, such as todays rooster and yesterdays much larger one, are fascinating to draw to me because they are so unusual in structure. While they adhere to the 4 limb, 1 head basic scheme that almost all animals share, the wings and accompanying structure are so specialized that it almost looks alien.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Birds and trends

A sketch done simply as practice today. Saw a picture of an Ostarich (sp?) in an old National Geographic and thought it would be fun to draw. I added some head-dressy feathers for fun.

Considering today's and yesterday's sketches, I think maybe I'll make this a week of animals. We'll see tomorrow :)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sick day

Older stuff today as I've spent the entire weekend being extremely ill.

Done several years ago. The idea was to make some kind of post-apocalyptic monster. I'd actually tried out a dragon/insect type creature first, but couldn't come up with a look that I liked. So I went with a lion and added some honestly cliche cybernetic details. The background was an afterthought. I do like how the mouth came out though.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Marvel Week, day 5: Black Knight

The Black Knight is pretty damn obscure for Marvel (DC fans, think of Booster Gold, as I understand it). It's not really a matter of lack of exposure, it just seems like the writers are shooting this character in the foot every chance they get. He basically Prince Valiant in modern superhero times with an energy absorbing sword. Dear writers, take a page from Witchblade, Darkness, or even Thor - have the magic weapon transform the entire character.

A quick rough sketch of how a more armored, more modern looking Black Knight might look. Just trying to give him a more sleek and organic look instead of the very archaic one he currently has.

Marvel Week, day four: Ghost Rider

Ah, another one of my childhood favorites. In retrospect, there wasn't really much that could hurt Ghost Rider, so I'm not sure where the suspense and action came in. Cool visuals counted for a lot though.

Not so much a redesign here as just a concept piece. Taking the phrase 'Ghost in the Machine', I worked up a sketch awhile back of Ghost Rider as he might appear in the world of TRON. It's a fun idea, but I think if I ever came back to this I'd start from a new sketch.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Marvel Week, day 3: Moon Knight

Long just the Marvel knock off of Batman, Moon Knight actually had some cooler stuff going on IMHO. Now he seems to be a blood thirsty maniac. Kids these days :P

Did this a few years back. I still like the idea though - a more armored Moon Knight, with a helmet instead of a cloak.