Thursday, May 3, 2007

Marvel Week, day 5: Black Knight

The Black Knight is pretty damn obscure for Marvel (DC fans, think of Booster Gold, as I understand it). It's not really a matter of lack of exposure, it just seems like the writers are shooting this character in the foot every chance they get. He basically Prince Valiant in modern superhero times with an energy absorbing sword. Dear writers, take a page from Witchblade, Darkness, or even Thor - have the magic weapon transform the entire character.

A quick rough sketch of how a more armored, more modern looking Black Knight might look. Just trying to give him a more sleek and organic look instead of the very archaic one he currently has.


O Ricardo said...
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O Ricardo said...

Yours is very good but i still prefer the original one. I like your draws very muck...there very very (...) good.