Sunday, April 29, 2007

Marvel Week, day 1: Silver Surfer

It's Marvel Week here at the Sketch Pit. All this week I'll be posting sketches of my interpretations of Marvel characters. And to kick it off, Norrin Radd,the Silver Surfer

The original design for the Silver Surfer, by the great Jack Kirby, is both striking and original, but after all these years the flat silver physique and simple board are a little vanilla. Here, I was playing with the idea that the Surfer is pure energy surrounded by his solid silvery armored shell. I cut out sections of the armor to show the raw energy underneath, trying to mirror actual armor with the remaining solid sections without changing the flat physique. I added the inward curve to the board to give it a more alien look, and to indicate a shield, like greek shields from the bronze age.

The Surfer has always been my favorite comic book character.


shoppista said...


Unknown said...

I can only dream of producing on paper what you do, your artwork is far far beyond what I could ever come up with but if I could inject my two cents worth: I think the silver surfer needs to appear 'tall' so a bit less musculature. I like the idea of the curved board but I think it would look even better if it was more streamlined (narrower) and pointer at the top. I think the board should be a bit longer than him too. The raw energy idea is top notch! Good stuff Jeh.